Bespoke Enterprise Asset Management

Tailoring custom turn-key web solutions for all your tracking needs

Depreciation Module

The Depreciation Module integrates with the core Fixed Asset Management system to provide a reliable platform for computing the depreciation value of any assets. This module generates powerful reports that show all the cost, accumulated depreciation value and remaining net book value. Reports can be filtered by many search criteria such as department/division, category or date range.

This module allows organizations to have an insight to the actual worth of its assets and make key financial decisions. All reports can be exported to Excel format to integrate with other accounting and financial systems.


Depreciation Report

This report allows users to compute the accumulated depreciation value of any assets within a department/division and date range.

Depreciation Summary Report

This report computes the cost, accumulated depreciation value and remaining net book value of any assets. Users can compute based on many search criteria such as division code, the category of assets and date range.

Asset Disposal Report

This report computes the list of assets that have been disposed of. Users can compute based on many search criteria such as division code, the category of assets and date range.

Fixed Asset Register

This report list all the current assets within the organization. Users can compute based on many search criteria such as division code, the category of assets and date range.


Repair & Maintenance

Track the inventory of your equipment when they are due for repair, servicing or maintenance


An automated loan management system that empowers your operation with improved accuracy

Mobile Tracking

Easily scan the barcoded Asset ID using Mobile devices with an integrated barcode scanner


Generates powerful reports that show all the cost, accumulated depreciation value and remaining net book value