Bespoke Enterprise Asset Management

Tailoring custom turn-key web solutions for all your tracking needs

Business Process Management System

Business Process Management (BPM) is a disciplined approach to identify, design, execute, document, monitor, control, and measure both automated and non-automated business processes to achieve targeted results consistent with an organisation’s strategic goals.

Business Process Management is an effective methodology to use in times of crisis to make certain, that the processes are efficient and effective, as this will result in a better and more cost & process efficient organization.

At myAsset, we believe that Business Process Management should not be a onetime exercise. It should be an evolvement of continuous evaluation of the business processes to improve the total flow of processes. It is an integration of operations performed by people and software systems coupled with well-regulated business rules.



Eliminate manual effort, poor communications between departments and a general inability to monitor overall progress.


Make the process more effective by handling exceptions, making better informed decisions and well monitored processes.


Quickly adapt processes internally or externally to meet the constant changes in business model.

Back To Our Products

Asset Management

Track assets that are on loan out and eventually returned, such as books, files, tools or even IT equipment

Inventory System

Track the inventory of your stocks, spare parts, stationeries, consumables and other fixed assets

Retail Management

Customisable hardware and software that runs both the front counter and back office operations of a business

Process Management

Workflow system that allow user to define different workflows for different types of jobs or processes