Bespoke Enterprise Asset Management

Tailoring custom turn-key web solutions for all your tracking needs

Mobile Tracking Module

The Mobile Tracking Module integrates with the core Fixed Asset Management System to provide online asset verification, transfer of assets, assets updating and assets audit. This module places the power of mobile data on the hands of users. Using the handy PDA with an integrated barcode scanner, users can easily scan the barcoded Asset ID and perform various tasks through the colour Windows display, truly benefiting from the powers of mobile computing!

Asset audit will be such a breeze. While it used to take lots of printed forms and manual counter-checking, the PDA does all that with a click. Less human resource and time will be required. The annual asset audit will be systematically and professionally done, with speed and accuracy. Transfer of assets across locations and relocation of entire departments can now be tracked, with no worries of missing assets. With this module, users may even find assets you never knew you had and discover others that had been presumed lost.

What it means to the organisation are absolute cost savings!


Mobile Real-time Verification

Our PDA application provides mobility in transferring, monitoring, tracking and stock-taking assets with instant information and verification on the handheld PDA with integrated barcode scanner. Discrepancy reports of the missing and unmatched assets list.can be generated with real-time results of the stock-take.

Mobile Data Updating

Users can scan any assets and retrieve information from the PDA. When assets needs servicing or special attention, users can write comments on the PDA for subsequent system upload.

Batch Collection

Users can scan all the assets in a particular location for subsequent upload to the system. Assets information and discrepancy reports can be generated instantaneously.


Repair & Maintenance

Track the inventory of your equipment when they are due for repair, servicing or maintenance


An automated loan management system that empowers your operation with improved accuracy

Mobile Tracking

Easily scan the barcoded Asset ID using Mobile devices with an integrated barcode scanner


Generates powerful reports that show all the cost, accumulated depreciation value and remaining net book value